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Plain Line Assembly Jig Plain Line Assembly Jig

A Jig designed to make assembly of fiNetrax Plain Line Flexi Track much easier. It will hold 4x bases making it easy to thread in the Rail.

There are two types of jig available, one for Wooden Sleeper Bullhead Rail Flexi Track, and one for Concrete Sleeper Flat Bottom Rail Flexi Track. This is because the sleeper spacing is different between the two types of flexi track. PLEASE ENSURE YOU SELECT THE CORRECT JIG FOR THE CORRECT TRACK TYPE!

Our Price: £4.99
Flat Bottom Rail Foot Filing Jig Flat Bottom Rail Foot Filing Jig

An easy to use Jig that aids in the filing of the code 40 Flat Bottom 'foot' (bottom) of the stock rails and also filing the tapered flare of the wing and check rails.

One side of the jig holds the stock rail in position allowing the 'foot' to be filled down to match the head width, which is nessesary for turnout 'Stock Rails' that use Flat Bottom rail, where the switch blades need to rest against the stock rail head.

The other side of the jig allows filing the tapered 'flare' of the wing and check rails.

Our Price: £4.99